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Living Things


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During the investigations in this unit, children compare living and non-living things and investigate the characteristics of plants and animals found in their own neighborhood.

AnyTimeScience! is based on ScienceStart! a comprehensive preschool curriculum that provides detailed daily lesson plans that focus on investigating the everyday world. These investigations focus on science topics and follow a simple science cycle. Children develop a rich knowledge base at the same time they use and develop language, literacy, and reasoning skills. AnyTimeScience! uses the same design principles as ScienceStart! but follows a weekly rather than daily schedule. Detailed lesson plans let teachers easily incorporate science into whatever curriculum is being used, whether the teachers’ own curriculum or a commercially available option such as High Scope or Creative Curriculum.

SKU: SS_ATS_002 Category:

AnyTimeScience! consists of five units: Living Things, Color and Light, Motion and Force, Measurement and Mapping, and Properties of Matter. Each unit contains 10 lesson plans. These 50 lessons can stand alone and be used in any order. Each lesson can be completed in approximately 30 minutes or over several days, depending on the teachers’ and children’s interests.

Each lesson features an investigation into an aspect of children’s everyday world. The investigations follow a simple four-part science cycle: Reflect & Ask, Plan & Predict, Act & Observe, and Report & Reflect. This predictable structure supports children’s problem-solving skills.

In addition to instructions for using the simple science cycle, each lesson plan identifies the science concepts being addressed, the learning objectives, materials and preparation needed for the activity, children’s books and vocabulary related to the topic, and ways to extend the topic into math and the arts.

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